Definition and Types of Stakeholders

You might be fooled by the term "stakeholders", where perhaps some of You would assume that the stakeholders are the shareholders. Keep in mind that different stakeholders with shareholders. Stakeholders are all people / people interested in the course of things.

If we associate it with an information system development, then stakeholders can be defined as all people / person of interest or a role in the development or implementation of a succession of information systems. Stakeholders in an information system development can be grouped into three groups: users, clients, and technical staff. Users or user can be a business users, information users, management users, executive users, and external users. While The clients can be either the owner of the organization or party sponsors This information system development projects. Technical staff itself can be a system analyst, system designer, developer, or else.

Here are the characteristics of the types of stakeholders involved in the information systems development activities:
  1. Internal stakeholders, the people who are in the organization, who interact with the system or have an interest in the passage or a succession of such systems. 
  2. External stakeholders, the people who are outside the influence and control of the organization, which interacts with the system or has interests with the passage or a succession of such systems. 
  3. Operational stakeholders, the people who regularly interact with the system to meet their work duties or needs. 
  4. Executive stakeholders, the people who do not interact directly with the system, but uses the information generated by the system or have a financial interest or other interest in the passage or a succession of such systems.

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