Definition of Customer Relationship Management

In the latest information systems, we know the system called Customer Relationship Management. What is that? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an integrated function that support a company in the field of marketing, sales and service to improve the value of customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction), with increasing levels of customer satisfaction, it is expected an increase in sales and profits to the maximum.

The bottom line of a company implementing Customer Relationship Management System to increase the number of new customers, to enhance the promotion and introduction of products / services owned enterprises, provide added value for customers who already owned company, retaining potential customers.

Due to the success of an organization is to survive and even thrive, which started with either intensive communication activities on all across departments. Thus the results of the work would be more effective, productivity will increase, and finally an organization can compete.

Read More : What is Supply Chain management?

Examples of Customer Relationship Management in the Company:


Activision has been a leading publisher in the American video game market for over three decades. The company’s 2011 release of Modern Warfare 3 was at the time the largest and most successful entertainment launch in history, bringing in over $400 million in the first 24 hours. However, when you’re providing entertainment, the amount of money that you bring in is only one measure of success.

Activision prides itself on providing a continued service to its gamers, so that they can remain satisfied and enthralled long after they’ve made their purchase. By using Marketing Cloud, Activision is able to monitor social media conversations that are relevant to their products. Service Cloud then allows Activision to follow up on those conversations. And, given that social media customer service is significantly less expensive than conventional methods, Activision found that it was able to decrease its annual customer service operating expenses by 25%. As explained by Tim Rondeau, Activision’s Senior Director of Customer Care, “We’re reducing costs and increasing satisfaction at the same time.”

Read More Activision CRM

Bespoke Collection

Bespoke is an smaller organization that offers fine wines, top-tier memberships, and elegant art experiences. They’ve been able to attract the right clients by building deeply involved relationships via their loyalty programs and memberships, and by understanding their customers’ behavior—specifically, those associated with buying-habits.

As the Bespoke Collection’s consumer base grew, managing customer data became a real challenge. By embracing CRM solutions, they were able to continue to show their customers the kind of personal attention that had defined their organization from the beginning. In the words of company president Paul Leary, “When someone makes a purchase with us, the next morning at ten o’clock, they get an automated, personalized email... By placing emphasis on relationship­-based sales instead of transaction based, we’re able to increase customer retention and satisfaction, referrals, and order value.” Bespoke identified the right CRM tools it needed to make this kind of direct customer connection happen.

Read More Bespoke Collection CRM

Resource from Salesforce 

The main benefits of Customer Relationship Management for the company:

  • Provide better customer service
  • Creating a more efficient call center
  • Simplifies the process of marketing and sales
  • Getting new customers
  • Knowing in detail the customer and a good customer
  • Knowing that customers need products and products that are not needed by the customer
  • Knowing when and how customers buy
  • Knowing the level of customer loyalty to the product purchased
  • Knowing the customer Characteristics
  • Identify and classify the level of customer
  • Knowing the approximate products to buy customers
  • Knowing to establish a good relationship with the customers for the future

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