Traditional SDLC

The systems approach is a methodology. The methodology is a recommended way of doing things. The systems approach is the basic methodology in solving all kinds of problems.
System development life cycle (Systems Development Life Cycle-SDLC) is the application of a systems approach to the development of an information system.
Some systems development approach are:
  1. SDLC tradisional
  2. Prototyping
  3. Rapid Application Development
  4. Business Process Redesign
Traditional SDLC is a classical information system development methods that follow a regular pattern gradually done from top to bottom. Traditional SDLC approach is often called waterfall. Activities in this cycle has a one-way flow towards the completion of the project. Stages in the traditional SDLC is as follows:
  • Planning
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Use

Goal is to get coverage planning stage of the project development and the basics of the system to control.
The planning stage consists of:
  • Recognizing the problem or trigger problems
  • Menetaplan problem
  • Identify system constraints
  • A feasibility study

The purpose of the analysis phase is to understand the problem thoroughly and define the user's needs (what should be done by the system to oblige the wearer).
Analysis phase consists of:
  • Announcing systems research
  • Mengorganisasik project team
  • Defining information needs
  • Define the criteria for system performance
  • Prepare a design proposal
  • Accept or reject a design


The purpose of the design stage is to determine a solution that can meet the needs of the user information that is already defined and
create an implementation model that will be built later.
The design phase consists of:
  • Setting up a detailed system design
  • Identifying alternative system configuration
  • Evaluating alternative system configuration
  • Choose the best configuration
  • Setting up the proposed implementation
  • Approve or reject the application of the system


The purpose is to get the implementation phase of information systems according to the needs of users.
Tesdiri implementation stages of:
  • Plan your deployment
  • announced the adoption
  • Getting resources HW
  • Getting the resource SW
  • Setting up the database
  • Setting up the physical facilities
  • user training
  • Login / transition to the new system


The purpose is to keep the usage phase systems continue to operate normally, can anticipate irregularities that may be experienced system and to evaluate the system.
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