What's Use Cases Diagram?


Use case diagram is a UML model that is used to describe use cases as well as his relationships with actors. The above picture shows the notations used in the depiction of the use case diagram. Use case itself is represented using the notation elliptical. Then automation boundary, which is the boundary between the computerized by users who will operate the application, represented using rectangular notation. Furthermore, automation boundary should be named so that readers use case diagram you can understand the scope of the system that is being discussed by the use case diagram (Example Figure below, where the boundary of his name is "Customer Account Subsystem for All Actors").


Often during the development of the use case diagram, it is known that a single use case can also use the services that exist in other use case. In the figure below, there is described use case "Fill shopping cart" also includes use cases "Search for item", "View product comments and ratings," and "View accessory combinations". This means that the customer can see the comments at the time of fill shopping carts. Relationship to relationship is illustrated using the dotted line with an arrow pointing to the use case are included. One relationship in Figure below can be read as a fill shopping carts includes search for items. Sometimes this relationship is known as << includes >> << uses >> relationship or a relationship.

Here are the steps that can be used to build the use case diagrams:
  1. Identify all stakeholders and users to be associated with use cases diagram.
  2. Determine stakeholder or user anywhere who want to review the use case diagram. Especially regarding the need to use case diagram for the subsystem, the type of user what is involved, use any existing cases << include >> relationship, and use What are the important case should be given more attention.
  3. Make the relationship between actors to use cases in the use case diagram. You can use software packages are available for the drawing.
  4. Give a name to each use case diagram created.
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