The Life Cycle of Knowledge Management

The life cycle of Knowledge Management

Knowledge management cycle has advantages in terms of categorization, pengoraganisasian and storage, Dissemination, and ease of access. Thus the cycle is built on the concept of knowledge management is much better and encourage innovation compared with the cycle of innovation itself.


The life cycle of Knowledge Management is:


The process of making itself a good knowledge of teaching cases in the past, data analysis, or other means. This process can also be identified knowledge stored in the organization, which was not previously known by the company and stored in the individual. In the absence of this process, then the process of knowledge sharing will not be managed in an organized manner. Participants of the process is the creation of individual, group, or department in an organization that has the ability to generate new knowledge with their intuition, analytical ability, experimental, or learn from experience, all of which is supported by the interaction process.


Simply put, knowledge sharing can be defined as the process pengkomunikasikan knowledge to others. Some effective ways to do knowledge sharing are: (a) network of social communication, both its formal and informal, (b) teamwork, (c) community of practices, (d) organizational learning, (e) technology formal communications companies. To support effective knowledge sharing, companies must build communication infrastructure (social and technical) was good and allows individuals or groups to interact smoothly.


After their supporting infrastructure for knowledge sharing activity, then the existing knowledge must be organized and structured to be accessible and used efficiently and optimally by the organization. The process of structuring knowledge encompasses knowledge based filtering and categorization taxonomy that has been defined. Three essential components that must be considered is the neatness mapping, storage, as well as ease in getting back knowledge stored.


Using or implementing Knowledge Management.


One new stage proposed by Sagsan, is their knowledge of auditing. Auditing is related to the organization's capacity to manage the existing knowledge. The audit process will be able to provide value for the company when any of the following activities: (a) determining the development strategy of Knowledge Management, (b) the manufacture of a blueprint and roadmap of the development of Knowledge Management, (c) planning the manufacture of Knowledge Management System, (d) planning research to improve the quality of Knowledge Management, (e) benchmarking and competition with other companies with a culture of Knowledge Management more advanced. In the process of auditing this knowledge comes the need to measure a company's intellectual property as an intangible asset, which is then followed by a performance measurement Knowledge Management.

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